Friday, May 9, 2014

Cora's First Birthday

My trip down to Cincinnati worked out at a perfect time. I was able to attend Cora's first birthday! I actually met her for the first time on her actual birthday! It's so crazy how time flies. The last time I saw Haley she was pregnant and now Cora is one.

When we first got to the house we set up and then Haley asked me to take pictures of the balloons outside. As I was outside Haley's relatives arrive and she tells them she hired a professional photographer. Then she tells them she's just kidding. I got a laugh mostly because I'm so far from being any where near professional standards.
I made the carrot cake cupcakes off of Margaret's recipe. Funny thing was we didn't have regular sugar so Haley and I decided to improvise and use brown sugar. They still turned out alright. Thinking about the cupcakes now is making me so hungry as I write this.
Haley made the amazing banner and garland. I'm so jealous of her amazing crafting skills!
Ben and Haley with Cora!
Cora was so funny because she wouldn't really eat the carrot cupcake but smashed the chocolate one! She was eating it a lot better than most babies I've seen as well. Afterwards, she opened gifts, but my pictures didn't turn out to well. It was a fun first birthday party!

1 comment

  1. Love these pictures of Cora! Thanks so much for coming to celebrate Cora's birthday. We loved having you!


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